Oracle Linux Installation Media – ISO images

I needed to install Linux to deploy containers using Kubernetes and Docker. To save time on configuring the environment, I decided to install the latest version of Oracle Linux. Instead of going through a complex installation process, I downloaded an Oracle Linux image under the ‘Virtual Appliance Oracle Product’ category, which I was able to deploy easily. If you’re looking to save on installation and configuration costs, I am sharing the links below, as well as the image I downloaded (which was the Full ISO release 9.1 ‘OracleLinux-R9-U1-x86_64-dvd.iso’ – 9G…

Downloading an ISO Oracle using an Apple system

I have joined a new company and since then some things have changed. I replaced my old friend Lenovo ThinkPad to a MacBook Pro. I should confess that it has been a new learning curve for me, MacBooks require some knowledge that are different from the ordinary OS. So, recently I tried to download the ISO Oracle V41362-01.iso which is the “Oracle Linux ( for x86 64 bit”. I went to and filtered for “Oracle Linux ( for x86 64 bit” and then I found the content of the… Building Guest Additions kernel modules. Failed to set up service vboxadd, please check the log file /var/log/VBoxGuestAdditions.log for details.

Estava instalando o VirtualBox 5.1.10 Guest Additions na minha máquina virtual para reconhecimento de arquivos fora da camada da mesma, quando recebi o seguinte erro: Verificando o log: A solução encontrada foi instalar os seguintes pacotes: 1.yum update gcc 2. yum update 3. yum install kernel-uek-devel brunorsHi! I am Bruno, a Brazilian born and bred. Former Oracle ACE, Computer Scientist, MSc in Data Science, over ten years of experience in companies such as IBM, Epico Tech, and Playtech based in three different countries (Brazil, Hungary, and Sweden) and joined projects remotely…