Oracle Database 12c : Common User x Local User

In this post I will be showing you how to create an user in the CDB, what are called “Common Users” (users using the COMMON_USER_PREFIX parameter to set the user prefix at creation time) and then afterwards an user in a PDB called TECHDATABASKET , which are the “Local Users”. 1- Creating Common User in a CDB: 2- Creating Local User in a PD Neste post estarei mostrando simplificamente como criar um usuário no CBD, o que chamados de “Common Users” (usuários que utilizam o parâmetro COMMON_USER_PREFIX para definir o…

Creating a PDB by Cloning a Remote PDB

  In this post I will be showing a simple example of how to create a PDB database through another PDB remotely. CDB database: CBD4 with the PDB database named TECHDATABASKET2 CDB database: CBD3 where the TECHDATABASKET2new PDB will be created using the TECHDATABASKET2 PDB of the CDB4 database. Then here are the examples: 1-The database must be CDB and be connected in the CDB$ROOT: 2- Creating the service entry for the TECHDATABASKET2 PDB in TNSNAMES.ORA and performing some tests: – Adding the entry for the service of the PDB…