#9 DIÁRIO DE UM DBA – PG.ConfBrasil 2020 – Online

Fala pessoa! Hoje, dia 04 de Junho, se inicia o PG.ConfBrasil 2020, o maior evento da América latina para banco de dados PostGreSQL . Devido ao momento vivido atualmente a edição atual será online e contará como sempre com um excelente time de palestrantes, como por exemplo Fabio Telles, consultante da prestigiada Timbira, Bruce Momjian e outros feras . O evento é gratuito e você poderá ficar por dentro das paletras na página oficial do evento: https://www.pgconf.com.br/2020/. Não fique de fora dessa! brunorsHi! I am Bruno, a Brazilian born and…

PostgreSQL Archive Log Directory

According to PosgreSQL’s documentation : “Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) is a standard method for ensuring data integrity.”. These files are created in a directory at a local or remote server and if you desire to copy them you have to tape library. However, PostgreSQL database isn’t created with the WAL option enabled and to be able to use it you have to configure some essential parameters in the postgresql.conf file. Therefore , these parameters are: archive_command: Here is the directory that you want your WAL files be stored in. You can…

Changing default PGDATA for PostgreSQL 9.5 in RedHat 7

By default Red Hat and Centos OS stores the database in the file system /var/lib/pgsql/data/. The area where the database is located can be changed depending on individual environment requirements or preferences. So to speak, in this post I will show how to change this location. First, let’s check the current location of the PostgreSQL using the command “SHOW data_directory;” inside one of the databases. You can see in the example above that the location of the database files are the default location for RedHat which is “/var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data “. So…

PostgreSQL 9.5 installation on RedHat el7.x86_64

When it comes to perform the installation of the database engine Postgres SQL the link to download the software is: https://yum.postgresql.org/. Also take a look at the documentation to check the prerequisite: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/manuals/ The installation is performed using the repository and in this post I will install the version 9.5 on the operating system Red Hat el7.x86_64. So, let’s install the repository with the root user: Search for the installed repository using the command “yum search postgresql9”: After we have confirmed the installation of the repository, we can proceed with…

PostgreSQL 11:INITDB

Hello, So here I am writing another article about PostgreSQL. If you do not have this database installed and would like to learn and try about this database engine, check out my last post about installation: https://www.techdatabasket.com/postgresql-11-installation-on-centos-el7-x86_64/ After the installation we have to start the initdb file that creates a new PostgreSQL database cluster. This file can be invoked both through the command : Where in this case /usr/pgsql-11/bin is the directory where the software is installed by default or you can also invoke this utility using this command: Nevertheless…

PostgreSQL 11 installation on Centos el7.x86_64

When it comes to perform the installation of the database engine Postgres SQL the link to download the software is: https://yum.postgresql.org/. Also take a look at the documentation to check the prerequisite: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/manuals/ The installation is performed using the repository and in this post I will install the version 11 on the operating system Linux centos el7.x86_64. So, let’s install the repository with the root user: Search for the installed repository using the command “yum search postgresql11”: After we have confirmed the installation of the repository, we can proceed with…