Learn how to Encrypt Drives using LUKS on Oracle Linux

In this post, we will explore the powerful encryption specification known as the Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS), originally created by Clemens Fruhwirth in 2004. LUKS is designed to secure block devices, making it suitable for encrypting various filesystems, even including swap partitions. We’ll delve into how you can leverage LUKS to enhance the security of your Oracle Linux distribution, which has been distributed by Oracle since late 2006. Discover the key benefits and steps to encrypting your drives with LUKS on Oracle Linux in this post. Encryption is a…

Oracle Database Growth Monitoring Script

The Oracle Database Growth Monitoring Script is a tool designed to track and analyze the growth of an Oracle database over time. This script captures essential metrics and information related to the database’s size. It plays a crucial role in helping database administrators (DBAs) effectively manage the database’s storage, plan for future capacity needs, optimize performance, and ensure the overall health and stability of the Oracle database environment. Importance of Tracking Database Growth: By using this script, DBAs can analyze these metrics to make informed decisions about capacity planning, performance…

Enable online status for all Oracle database datafiles

I have executed a database migration by transitioning from a physical active data guard to a primary database. Subsequent to the migration, I observed that several data files were offline, as evidenced below: Modifying the status of each individual data file would require a substantial amount of time. To provide an illustrative example: In order to streamline the operation, I devised a PL/SQL procedure that effectively places all data files offline across all tablespaces within the database, subsequently modifying their statuses to online, as illustrated below: I hope this post…

Storing Information from ChatGPT in Oracle Database Container using Python and Jupyter Notebook

In this post, I will be creating Python code using Jupyter Notebook to store information from ChatGPT in an Oracle Database within a Docker container. The objective is to showcase how an application can retrieve various types of data from an AI-based tool. Additionally, the idea behind this is to illustrate how the implementation of supercomputers can further optimize this infrastructure. By utilizing the Python programming language and Jupyter Notebook, we can develop code that captures and stores information generated by ChatGPT. This code will serve as a demonstration of…

Installing Oracle Database on macOS using Oracle Docker Images

Technology is constantly evolving, and with it, the methods of installation have changed. For DBAs who once relied on CDs or diskettes to install Oracle databases, the ability to quickly and easily create and deploy a database using Docker images provided by Oracle is truly impressive. In this post, I will cover the deployment of Oracle database 18.4 using the free and simplified edition, Oracle Express, on MacOS Monterrey 12.6.5. To begin, I would like to share the necessary tools that one must download in order to achieve this goal.…

Oracle Linux Installation Media – ISO images

I needed to install Linux to deploy containers using Kubernetes and Docker. To save time on configuring the environment, I decided to install the latest version of Oracle Linux. Instead of going through a complex installation process, I downloaded an Oracle Linux image under the ‘Virtual Appliance Oracle Product’ category, which I was able to deploy easily. If you’re looking to save on installation and configuration costs, I am sharing the links below, as well as the image I downloaded (which was the Full ISO release 9.1 ‘OracleLinux-R9-U1-x86_64-dvd.iso’ – 9G…

Managing the availability of a portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and non-schema objects in an Oracle multitenant database

This post serves as a reference to close and open PDB databases. I have been mentoring some colleagues on the way to a data and database management career. As we have been managing Oracle multitenant environments quite often, I decided to create an example where they can easily visualize and have a reference on it. I made another blog post where one can imagine the existence of PDBs (https://www.techdatabasket.com/2018/11/08/how-to-check-if-my-database-is-a-cdb-database-or-not/). Thus, follow below is the representation of the closing and opening of a database instance named TECHDB in an Oracle RAC…

Rebuilding Oracle Partitioned Index- Solving “ORA-14086: a partitioned index may not be rebuilt as a whole”

It is known that Oracle has two types of partitioned Indexes: Local and Global Partitioned Index. I will only cover some of the specifications that explain their differences. However, according to the VLDB and Partitioning Guide release 21c, “Partitioning is possible on both regular (heap organized) tables and index-organized tables, except for those containing LONG or LONG RAW columns. You can create nonpartitioned global indexes, range or hash partitioned global indexes, and local indexes on partitioned tables.”. Furthermore, while creating a local index, the database constructs the index, which is…

Oracle Certified Master Exam Updates – March 2023

It has been a while since I aimed to be an Oracle Certified Master (OCM). For those unfamiliar with this exam, it is (or was) an Oracle practical exam that consisted of two days somewhere in the world. It would test your Oracle skills to achieve the master’s and top certification from Oracle. It is a certification that gives prestige and recognization because a minority number of database administrators have this credential, and all because of all the value invested in the courses as prerequisites and other expenses. From the…

I am now an Oracle ACE Alum

On October 2017, I received an e-mail from the Oracle Corporation with the approval of my application to become an Oracle ACE Associate, being then the first member of the Oracle ACE program in Hungary. The years passed, and I moved from Hungary to Sweden. Thus, on Jun 16, 2020, Oracle corporation upgraded my level from Oracle ACE Associate to Oracle ACE, the 2nd Oracle ACE in Sweden at that moment. For more information about it check it out: https://www.techdatabasket.com/2020/06/17/finally-an-oracle-ace/ The Oracle ACE Program, managed by Jennifer Nicholson and her…