I am now an Oracle ACE Alum

On October 2017, I received an e-mail from the Oracle Corporation with the approval of my application to become an Oracle ACE Associate, being then the first member of the Oracle ACE program in Hungary. The years passed, and I moved from Hungary to Sweden. Thus, on Jun 16, 2020, Oracle corporation upgraded my level from Oracle ACE Associate to Oracle ACE, the 2nd Oracle ACE in Sweden at that moment. For more information about it check it out:


The Oracle ACE Program, managed by Jennifer Nicholson and her team members, allowed me to join unique events and meet knowledgeable colleagues from the Oracle community. I recommend it to those who like sharing their knowledge and mentoring people. The program by itself is described by Oracle as below:

“The Oracle ACE Program recognizes and rewards individuals for their contributions to the Oracle community. These technical experts and community leaders share their knowledge and experiences through making presentations; writing blog posts, articles, and books; sharing their knowledge on social media; writing code; answering questions in community forums like Stack Overflow; volunteering in an Oracle User Group; organizing conferences and meetups; and more.”. Source:https://ace.oracle.com/pls/apex/ace_program/r/oracle-aces/home

As every cycle ends, I have exited the Oracle ACE program. Since the creation of the blog www.techdatabasket.com in 2012, and for more than ten years, I have been mainly writing about Oracle technology and the type of structured data. Therefore, as I want to explore the data as a whole using all kinds of available technologies together with Oracle, I will be focusing on the other expertise that I have acquired over the years in addition to Database Administration which are Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Engineering and Cyber ​​Security with architectures on-premises & cloud computing. The blog’s main focus, as it always has been, is the “21st-century gold” that is the data, as I am a data lover and love to work with it. For this, I will use various technologies with data in its different stages, such as in rest, motion, and transit, with any type as structured, unstructured, or semi-structured.

For the Oracle ACE program, I am grateful for being part of this selective group and contributing for five years (2017-2022). I hope to see many of the members in the IT events worldwide. Thank you very much for the opportunity, and I will always be grateful for all the support during these years.

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