OEM 12c: Installing an agent on a remote server

Hello guys, I hope everyone is doing ok in these times of the Covid-19. Nevertheless, I am writing to you a post about how to install an OEM agent in a server other than the OMS server. If you haven’t performed the discovery of the agent in your OMS server, take a look at this post:


The first thing you have to do in order to install an agent in other servers, is to add the name, IP and alias of the host that you want to install the agent in, the /etc/hosts file of both OMS server and remote server. Furthermore, create the agent directory in the remote server as below:

OMS server: vm2.localdomain 

[oracle@]$ cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4  
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

<IP for vm1 > vm1.localdomain vm1
<IP for vm2>  vm2.localdomain vm2

Remote server: vm1.localdomain

[oracle@]$ cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4  
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

<IP for vm1 > vm1.localdomain vm1
<IP for vm2>  vm2.localdomain vm2

[root@vm1 /]# mkdir agentoem
[root@vm1 /]# chown oracle:dba agentoem
[root@vm1 /]# cd agentoem/
[root@vm1 agentoem]# pwd

Then connect to the OEM 12c console to start the procedure :

Go to “Add targets” and then “Add Targets Manually”:

After “Add Host Targets”:

Write the name and platform of your server. In this case “vm1.localdomain” and “Linux x86-64”:

Fill the values for “Installation Base Directory” and “Instance Directory”. Afterwards, add the “Named Credential” where it will be asked the credentials to access the remote server.

Review the information of your target host:

Then the installation will start going through 3 process:
1- Initialization;
2- Remote Prerequisite Check
3- Agent Deployment

On the “2- Remote Prerequisite Check” you may face some issues. In such a case I have received a warning and followed the installation because I preferred to run manually some additional files as root when it’s needed

Track the deployment process:

Review the installation and run the root.sh as root:

[root@vm1 agentoem]# whoami
[root@vm1 agentoem]#
[root@vm1 agentoem]#/agentoem/core/

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